
When it comes to veggie treats, you’re probably wondering, can sugar gliders eat carrots? But can sugar gliders eat carrots safely? The answer is, thankfully, yes! In fact, in moderation, carrots can be a nutritious addition to a sugar glider’s food.

Can Sugar Gliders Have Carrots?

So, can sugar gliders have carrots as a treat? Carrots are perfectly safe for sugar gliders to eat in moderation. In fact, experts recommend offering a small amount of safe fruits and vegetables like carrots a few times a week to supplement your sugar gliders’ diet.

Not only are these vegetables good for sugar gliders, but the variety will also help to keep your sugar glider mentally stimulated. Of course, too much of a good thing can cause problems.

Let’s look at carrots for sugar gliders in more detail.

Sugar Gliders And Carrots

A good, balanced diet for a sugar glider includes commercial pellets, some fresh veggies and fruit, and even the occasional spinach or eggs, and of course, water.

In particular, vegetables that are high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C are a great benefit for sugar gliders. On average, carrots contain around 4 mg of Vitamin C per 100 g of uncooked carrots, which is quite a lot! This is an important antioxidant that helps sugar gliders fight harmful diseases and helps them to be happy and healthy.

Carrots are also a good source of Vitamin A, carbohydrates and minerals like calcium and magnesium—all of which are important for a sugar glider.

Do Sugar Gliders Like Carrots?

So, do sugar gliders even like carrots? And how can you tell if your sugar glider likes carrots? The good news is that many sugar gliders love carrots. These sweet, crunchy and popular vegetables can make an excellent treat for sugar gliders.

However, it’s not guaranteed that all sugar gliders will enjoy carrots. It is possible for you to own a sugar glider that loves carrots and a sugar glider that won’t like them.

In the rare case that your sugar glider doesn’t like them, remove the carrots from their enclosure so that they don’t get mouldy.

Are Carrots Bad For Sugar Gliders?

In moderation, carrots are not bad for sugar gliders. As with most treats and foods that are given to sugar gliders, we recommend everything in moderation. This is because although they have lots of vitamins and minerals that are important for a sugar glider’s growth and health, too much of a good thing isn’t good.

For example, calcium is important for maintaining healthy bones and teeth in sugar gliders, however, too much can cause health problems in the long term.

Are Carrots Good For Sugar Gliders?

Vitamin A is very important for a healthy sugar glider. When a sugar glider doesn’t get enough Vitamin A, it can lead to condition loss. Vitamin A can also help a sugar glider utilize vitamin C.

Vitamin C is also important for sugar gliders. Just like people, sugar gliders cannot create this vitamin on their own, and therefore need to get it from an outside additional source.

If sugar gliders do not regularly consume vitamin C, it could lead to further health problems. Some common signs of a sugar glider that doesn’t get enough vitamin C are slow wound healing, loss of appetite, weight loss, and diarrhea. Luckily for sugar glider owners, carrots provide a high amount of both vitamins.

Carrots also help sugar gliders stay hydrated and healthy as they’re high in water content.

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Raw Carrots?

So, we know carrots are safe for sugar gliders, but can sugar gliders have carrots if they are uncooked? The answer is yes, sugar gliders can eat raw carrots. In fact, raw carrots have benefits for sugar gliders.

There’re a few risks to feeding raw carrots that you should be aware of. Raw carrots can spoil if your sugar glider doesn’t eat them right away. Feeding too many carrots can also upset your sugar glider’s stomach, so make sure to only give your sugar glider a tiny piece of raw carrot for the first time to see if your sugar glider likes carrots.

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Baby Carrots?

Baby carrots don’t have a very different makeup compared to regular carrots. In fact, they only contain fewer nutrients compared to regular carrots. For this reason, baby carrots are a safe and healthy treat for sugar gliders. They might even be easier to feed to your sugar glider without there being any waste or leftovers!

How Much Carrot Can You Feed To A Sugar Glider?

You can offer small pieces of carrot to your sugar glider every few days. Cut the carrot up into tiny pieces, making sure to check your sugar gliders enclosure for leftovers to prevent your sugar glider from eating rotting vegetables.

A rule of thumb to follow for sugar gliders is to make sure that treats only make up 10 percent of their diet. If you feed a tablespoon of sugar glider food to your sugar glider each day, for instance, that means that you should only be giving a tenth of a tablespoon of other treats.

Carrot Treats For Sugar Gliders

Here are some suggestions on how to add carrots to your sugar gliders diet:

  • Complete glider food with added small pieces of carrot
  • Fresh chunks of carrot
  • Shredded carrot mixed with other veggies

Alternatives to Carrots
While carrots can be part of a sugar gliders balanced diet in small quantities, there are plenty of other options out there if you are looking for other healthy treats.

  • Egg
  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Celery
  • Lettuce
  • Cucumber
  • Broccoli


We can happily conclude that sugar gliders can safely eat carrots, however, you should be careful, and feed in moderation. A tablespoon of small carrot pieces every day will provide a tasty and healthy treat for your sugar glider.