We can’t look after our sugar gliders properly unless we know that we’re giving them the correct food, as this could damage their health! With this in mind, can sugar gliders eat potatoes? The short answer is yes! Although you need to make sure that the potatoes are properly prepared, and that they are fed in the right amounts.

This article will go through if sugar gliders can eat potatoes, how much they can eat, and the benefits and drawbacks of them doing so. We will also look at if sugar gliders can eat other types of potato, such as sweet potatoes! Enjoy!

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Potatoes?

As we have stated, sugar gliders can eat potatoes! All healthy sugar gliders can eat potatoes; however, you need to ensure that you feed them the right amount, only in moderation! Remember that potatoes are very filling, and therefore too much can result in them not eating as much of the rest of their diet. Take these actions to make the potato safe for your sugar glider:

  • Cook it properly – Make sure to cook it properly because raw or undercooked potatoes can be a health risk
  • Wash it – Make sure to wash before cooking to remove any pesticides or pests
  • Keep it plain – Don’t add butter, salt, or any other additives to the potatoes

As long as you do this, your sugar glider should be safe when they’re eating a little bit of potato! Read on to find out exactly how much to give them.

How To Give Potatoes To Your Sugar Glider

When you’re giving treats, like potatoes, to your sugar glider, always make sure that you are close to them while they try their first potato. This is because giving treats to your sugar glider can strengthen your bond and help with socializing them. Only give a small amount of potato to your sugar glider at the start, to see if they like eating it. There’s no point preparing it in the future if your sugar glider will just leave it!

Make sure that you wash the potatoes before cooking it! This helps to remove any worries about pesticides or other nasties that could harm your sugar glider! You also shouldn’t cook it with salt or any other additives!

You should only feed potatoes to your sugar glider as part of a healthy diet that includes fruit, vegetables and insects!

How Much Potato Should You Give Your Sugar Glider?

The amount of potato that you can give your sugar glider is very limited, you can only give them very small amounts and only as an occasional treat!

Benefits of Potatoes

There are a few benefits to your sugar glider eating potatoes. Some of the good stuff in potatoes that sugar gliders can benefit from eating the correct portion of potatoes include:

  • Antioxidants – These protect your sugar glider against the effects of ageing, such as cancer.
  • Dietary Fibres – These can assist their digestive abilities!
  • Vitamin C – This helps to improve your sugar gliders’ overall health!
  • Vitamin B – This helps to increase your sugar gliders’ energy!
  • Protein – Potatoes contain plenty of protein! This can benefit them by helping their bodies get stronger!

Risks of Potatoes

Although there’re clearly a few benefits to eating potatoes, there’re also negatives to feeding a sugar glider potato, if fed too much, as is the case when feeding your sugar glider any kind of treat. You just need to be careful when feeding potatoes to your sugar glider to see how they react!. Some of the risks of overfeeding potatoes to your sugar glider include:

  • Diabetes – Overfeeding your sugar glider potatoes can lead to imbalances that could result in your sugar glider getting diabetes. This can be a major problem for your sugar gliders’ health, so you need to be careful!
  • Obesity – Too much of any food can result in obesity for any animal! This can result in more health problems in later life.
  • Stomach problems – Potatoes can be poisonous if they’re not cooked properly. Therefore, you need to ensure that it’s cooked properly, before giving it to your sugar glider!

What Kind Of Potatoes Can You Feed Your Sugar Glider?

There are all kinds of potatoes and so many ways to prepare it! To save time, we are just going to look at the most common options!

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Mashed Potatoes?

Yes, sugar gliders can eat mashed potatoes, as long as it is cooked under the same conditions as stated before, however, this should only be given to them as a rare treat!

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Sweet Potatoes?

Yes, sugar gliders can eat sweet potatoes! You can dice a sweet potato up into very fine cubes and then boil.

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Raw Potatoes?

Defiantly not! As stated before, raw potatoes can be poisonous for sugar gliders, which means that you should avoid giving them to your sugar glider at all costs!


In conclusion, can sugar gliders eat potatoes? Absolutely! But you need to ensure that they are only fed as a rare treat because feeding them too much potatoes can cause serious health problems in the future. Although potatoes carry a lot of nutrients and benefits, giving your sugar glider too much can result in them not eating as much of their proper diet. You shouldn’t feed your sugar glider raw potatoes, or potatoes with any additives in them!