Can Sugar Gliders Eat Celery? Is It Safe?

So, can sugar gliders eat celery safely? The quick answer is yes, sugar gliders can have celery. Not only is it safe, but can form part of a healthy diet. However, if you decide to feed your sugar glider celery, make sure to do so in moderation.

As with most vegetables and animals, it’s always best to introduce new foods slowly. So, if you decide to feed celery to your sugar glider, give them a few small pieces first to see how things go. Also, make sure to chop it into small pieces to reduce the risk of choking. Celery should be given as an additional treat to a well-balanced diet. It should not be a substitute for a sugar glider’s overall diet. That way you can be well assured that your sugar glider is getting the best of both worlds.

However, the condition to this is that whenever you feed your sugar glider fresh veggies, you will need to check the fresh food to make sure that the vegetables doesn’t spoil. Unlike using ready-made sugar glider food, vegetables can rot quite quickly, as rotten food can create an unsafe environment.

Let’s now look at celery for sugar gliders in some more detail.

Sugar Gliders And Celery

As sugar gliders are omnivores, they will eat both plants and insects. So, the best diet for a sugar glider includes plants, seeds, insects, and fruits. Celery is a vegetable with high fiber content, low carbs and is fat-free. With one-third of a gram per serving, it’s also low in protein. However, celery is high in vitamins A and K, as well as potassium and folate.

Do Sugar Gliders Like Celery?

Do sugar gliders like the taste of celery? Like most vegetables, celery is no exception in that some sugar gliders will love it, while others won’t touch it.

The one thing we know for sure, though, is that celery is a safe and nutritious vegetable for sugar gliders. Although it’s not guaranteed that every sugar glider will like eating celery, it’s still worth giving it a try to see if they like it or not.

We can assume that since celery tastes good to most humans, most sugar gliders will eat it. If it didn’t taste good to them, they wouldn’t want to eat it voluntarily.

Is Celery Bad For Sugar gliders?

Are there any negatives to feeding sugar gliders celery? Celery can be bad for sugar gliders if they’re given too much to eat. Too much of a good thing is never good!

Is Celery Good For Sugar Gliders?

Yes, celery is very good for sugar gliders. Domestic sugar gliders will happily eat what their wild counterparts would eat naturally. This includes seeds, fruit, insects and veggies like celery.

Let’s look closely at some of the health benefits that celery provides sugar gliders.

Health Benefits Of Sugar Gliders Eating Celery

As mentioned before, celery has lots of molybdenum and vitamin K. Celery is known to help protect against inflammation in the digestive tract.

What’s more, scientists have identified antioxidants in celery. Antioxidants can help to protect against unwanted damage to cells, blood vessels, and organs. Celery is also high in fibre, which makes it a good vegetable for sugar gliders to chew on.

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Cooked Celery?

While celery can be used by humans for cooking, this probably isn’t a good idea for an adult sugar glider. Although it mightn’t harm them, cooked celery loses its fibrous nature when cooked. And of course, sugar gliders prefer dry, raw food. So, there’s no benefit in doing it, save yourself the time.

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Celery Stalks?

Yes, sugar gliders can eat celery stalks. The celery stalk is a fibrous part of the vegetable. However, you shouldn’t give your sugar glider the stalk whole. The reason is due to the stringy texture, which could become a hazard, choking a sugar glider. So, when feeding celery, first remove the strings and chop the celery into very small pieces for a safer snack.

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Celery Leaves?

It’s not recommended to give sugar gliders celery leaves because of the strong taste that the leaves have. The strong taste of celery leaves is likely due to the nutrient density of the leaves.

Should Sugar Gliders Eat Celery Every Day?

No, it’s not recommended to feed a sugar glider celery every day. Celery should only really be eaten as a snack and shouldn’t replace a sugar gliders’ main diet.

Sugar Glider Celery Treats

Celery is a useful veggie for your sugar glider, as mentioned above. But how do you feed celery to a sugar glider? Here are some tips:

  • Dried celery treats
  • Complete sugar glider food with added celery
  • Fresh chunks of celery

Have you tried feeding your sugar glider celery, but they don’t seem to be a fan of it? Then here are some alternatives to celery for sugar gliders.

  • Carrots
  • Spinach
  • Lettuce
  • collard greens
  • beets


By now, we have seen that celery is a healthy and enjoyable treat for sugar gliders. Celery provides useful benefits that consist of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory substances, and vitamins, making it a wonderful addition to a well-balanced diet.