We all know that cabbage is one of the healthiest veggies on the planet—it’s so versatile that it finds its way into many recipes. If you’ve got some unused cabbage and you’re curious as to whether or not you can share it with your sugar glider, you’ve come to the right place as we’ll go through the question in detail.

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Cabbage?

Yes, sugar gliders can eat cabbage and it’s a veggie that your sugar glider can eat frequently. Make sure to wash the cabbage well before giving it to your sugar glider and be sure to offer the right amount.

But how much cabbage can you give a sugar glider, and how often can they eat it? Can they eat different kinds of cabbage, or should they only stick to the plain, green variety?

Cabbage Nutrition Stats

You and your sugar glider are in luck, as cabbage is low in calories, even though it’s full of fiber and important nutrients!
A one-cup serving of raw cabbage provides approximately:

  • 22 calories
  • 2g carbohydrates
  • 2g fiber
  • 1g protein

Cabbage Nutritional Facts

Your sugar glider needs a variety of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals every day—preferably from an all-natural source. Therefore, cabbage is a great addition to your sugar glider’s diet since it is a great source of nutrients.
That same one-cup serving provides approximately:

  • 6 mg vitamin C
  • 2 iu vitamin A
  • 151 mg potassium
  • 6 mg calcium
  • 7 mg magnesium
  • 4 mg iron
  • 3 mcg folate
  • 1 mg vitamin E
  • 6 mcg vitamin K
  • 1 mg phosphorus

Is Cabbage Good For Sugar Glider?

Since it is such an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, cabbage is very good for sugar gliders. But remember, even the best veggies can cause some trouble for sugar gliders if you give them too much.

Be sure to introduce cabbage gradually to your sugar glider’s diet as you want to prevent them from eating this veggie eagerly and overdoing it.

Do Sugar Gliders Like Cabbage?

It would be hard to find a sugar glider that didn’t like cabbage! However, it doesn’t mean that there’re no outliers, but you should be quite confident that your sugar glider will approve of this veggie once they’ve tried it.

How Often Can A Sugar Glider Eat Cabbage?

Your sugar glider might like to eat cabbage every few days and eventually, you may want to include it as part of their daily diet. Do remember to offer a variety of foods and don’t overdo the fresh veggies and fruits—as a dietary imbalance and lead to health problems.

The Correct Diet Is Important

A wild sugar glider’s diet consists of insects, worms, seeds, and a variety of plants. So, the odds are high that if a wild sugar glider encountered cabbage, they’d happily eat it! Other than feeding leafy greens such as cabbage, here’s what you can feed a sugar glider for good health:

Pelleted Diets
A good, quality sugar glider diet should make up approximately 75% of pellets.

Fresh Fruits And Vegetables:
Approximately 25% of a sugar glider’s diet should consist of different fresh fruits and vegetables, equivalent to around 2-3 tablespoons daily. Although make sure to wash thoroughly before placing it in their cage. Place fresh food in the cage in the evening and remove any leftovers the following morning to prevent spoilage. Organic fruits and vegetables may be best to avoid exposure to pesticides or other toxic chemicals. Avoid fruits and vegetables with high levels of oxalates, as this can sometimes interfere with calcium absorption.

Other Healthy Alternatives To Cabbage For Sugar Gliders?

Even though cabbage is a healthy addition to your sugar gliders diet, sugar gliders always need a variety and do best when they’re offered lots of different things to eat over the course of each week.

Here are some veggies sugar gliders like:

  • Alfalfa Sprouts
  • Artichoke
  • Asparagus
  • Bamboo Shoots
  • Beet Greens
  • Beets (cooked and blended)
  • Bell Peppers
  • Bok Choy
  • Broccoli (feed in moderation)
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Cabbage (red)
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower (feed in moderation)
  • Celery
  • Chicory Greens
  • Chinese Cabbage
  • Collard Greens
  • Coriander
  • Corn (cooked)
  • Chick Peas
  • Cucumber
  • Dandelion Greens
  • Eggplant (cooked)
  • French Beans
  • Ginger Root
  • Green Beans


Is cabbage safe for a sugar glider?
Yes. Cabbage is safe for your sugar glider, so long as you wash it well and provide the right amount.

Can cabbage make a sugar glider sick?
Yes, but only if your sugar glider eats too much at once, or if you forget to introduce it into their diet slowly.