What may worry many rabbit owners is this particular thought: If rabbits are herbivores, can they eat just about any plant, even caladiums?

Despite the fact that most of the diet of a rabbit is made up of plants, doesn’t necessarily mean that every plant in your environment is rabbit-friendly. Today’s question concerns Caladiums. Can rabbits eat Caladiums?

For someone who isn’t as familiar with a rabbit’s diet, it would be better to put this plant aside and continue reading. To find out all the helpful information for both rabbits and Caladiums and what this plant means for your rabbit’s diet – keep on reading!

Can Rabbits Eat Caladiums?

Hopefully, you removed this plant in time from your rabbit as this plant is by no means recommended. Unlike other plants that are allowed both for growing in your yard and for feeding your rabbit, Caladiums should be skipped.

As this is the main topic today, it would be good to first touch on the negative effects it can have on your rabbit.

Caladiums contain latex, which is considered to be very dangerous for rabbits, among other things, causes many stomach problems. In addition, a rabbit could potentially develop an allergic reaction that’s reflected in skin irritation.

A rabbit that consumes Caladium could become significantly tired, lazy, and lose its appetite.

What To Look For:
As this plant contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals similar to other plants in the Araceae family, a rabbit that chews on this plant will release the crystals causing tissue penetration and irritation in the mouth and oral cavity.

Symptoms include:

  • Drooling
  • Pawing at the mouth or face
  • Oral pain
  • Decreased appetite
  • Vomiting

Other Plants That Rabbits Should Avoid

At the beginning, we wondered if rabbits could eat anything just because they’re herbivores. Of course not!

There are many toxic plants that can harm your rabbit, and Caladium was just one on the list. To refine this list, here’re a few more poisonous plants that your rabbit can’t eat.

  • Hydrangea – If hydrangea is consumed by a rabbit, they could start to feel nauseous because this plant contains a toxic substance similar to cyanide.
  • Lillies – Although Lillies are very common in parks in gardens, rabbits shouldn’t come close to them, as this flower can cause GI stasis in rabbits.
  • Iris – This flower comes in many colors and looks absolutely beautiful. However, yellow irises are known to be highly poisonous and a rabbit shouldn’t be given it.
  • Daffodils – With plants like daffodils, the leaves are the ones that contain the most toxic substances, so a rabbit shouldn’t munch on them.