Home Fish Why Your Hairy Mushroom Coral Splitting – Explained

Why Your Hairy Mushroom Coral Splitting – Explained

If you have a hairy mushroom coral in your tank, you may be wondering why it’s splitting. This is a common occurrence for these corals, but don’t worry – it’s not a bad sign. In fact, hairy mushroom corals are known for splitting and growing new colonies. So, if you see your hairy mushroom coral starting to split, don’t panic – it’s just doing what comes naturally!

A hairy mushroom coral can split for a variety of reasons. One reason is that the coral could be getting too big for its current location. When a hairy mushroom coral splits, they create new colonies that can then be moved to other areas of the tank. This helps to keep the hairy mushroom coral population healthy and thriving.

Why Your Hairy Mushroom Coral Splitting?

If your hairy mushroom coral is splitting, don’t worry – it’s perfectly normal! Coral growth is a process of asexual reproduction that allows corals to quickly spread and colonize a new area. When a hairy mushroom coral splits, it will produce a new stalk, eventually leading to new healthy heads. The splitting process can be repeated multiple times, resulting in an ever-expanding colony of hairy mushroom corals.

How To Tell If A Hairy Mushroom Coral Is Splitting

A few telltale signs can help you determine whether your hairy mushroom coral is splitting. One of the key signs is if the coral appears lumpy or uneven in shape. Also, watch for any unusual discoloration in the area where the coral appears to be growing. Keep an eye out for any visible cracks or fissures within the center of the hairy mushroom coral; this could indicate that it is ready to split in two. Overall, by carefully observing these signs and paying close attention to the overall health and shape of your hairy mushroom coral, you should be able to tell if it is about to split into two separate pieces.

Do Hairy Mushroom Corals Recover From Splitting?

A hairy mushroom coral splitting is not a sign to worry about. It’s usually an indication that your hairy mushroom coral is reproducing and will eventually produce more colonies. Splitting is a type of coral reproduction where the polyp divides into two or more separate polyps. The newly formed polyps are genetically identical to the coral’s main polyp. This type of reproduction is common in many stony corals, including hairy mushroom corals. If all goes well, the new polyps will eventually start to produce their own skeletal material, growing into a full-sized hairy mushroom colony.

Taking Care Of A Hairy Mushroom Coral

There’re a few key things that you need to keep in mind when caring for a hairy mushroom coral:

  • The ideal water temperature should be between 72 and 83 ° F, though some variability is fine. The tank should have a pH of around 8.1 and 8.4.
  • It is essential to ensure plenty of oxygen is present in the water around the coral to support its growth and health.
  • No matter what level of lighting you have. Whether it’s low, moderate, or high-intensity lighting, it’s no problem for this coral. With careful attention to these factors, you can help ensure that your hairy mushroom coral remains happy and healthy for years!


So, there you have it. Your hairy mushroom coral is splitting as it tries to grow new colonies. This is perfectly normal. They’re reproducing by breaking off a piece of themselves and releasing it into the water to start a new colony. As discussed, the most common sign that your hairy mushroom coral is splitting is when you see two mouths appearing on top and the shapes become elongated. It means soon it will split into two parts!

The hairy mushroom coral is relatively easy to care for, comes in various colors within its bodies, and can make a beautiful addition to your aquarium. With proper care, they have the potential to live for many years.

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