Home Cats What To Do When A Kitten Cries When Alone

What To Do When A Kitten Cries When Alone

If your kitten is regularly left home alone and doesn’t have another kitty to play with, they can quickly become bored and lonely. There are some kittens that will cry once they’ve been left on their own, although this is quite normal, we’ll go through some ideas and tips to help you and your kitten get past this phase.

One of the easiest solutions involves finding the right toys that your kitten loves. This will not only help keep their attention while you’re gone but will also allow them to get enough exercise and release some energy in a positive way. However, you should also make sure that there’re other ways to keep your kitten occupied while they’re on their own.

We’ll cover a few tips that should help, but remember that every kitten is an individual, so figuring out what your kitten prefers is imperative if you want to reduce stress and come home to a happy feline.

Kitten TV

Kitty TV can be one of two things: a see though door where the kitten can see the birds, squirrels, and people walking around outside, or your own television showing some cat-friendly videos of wildlife and other pets.

If your kitten enjoys watching the television with you, especially when there’re animals on screen, leave it on while you aren’t home so they can catch a few minutes of an interesting show which can help to keep them occupied while you’re out.

Also, if your kitten has access to a window or two that they can reach, it can allow them to sit and watch for hours on end. Not only will they be mentally stimulated by the activity going on outside, but they’ll also be able to get some warm sunshine, making it a perfect spot to nap as well.

Note: If your kitten doesn’t have access to any large windowsills to sit on, the good news is there are many window perches designed for kittens that like to lounge while gazing out the window at the world outside.

Wall Perches

Speaking of perches, did you know that there’re a lot of wall perches that are made for smaller kitties? These can be set up anywhere within your home, and they can provide your kitten with another way of getting some much-needed exercise. Remember, being able to play and exercise is important even while you aren’t home. It can help your kitten stay active, which is key, and it can also help to keep their mind occupied by giving them something to do.

There are many styles of wall perches for cats and kittens, so you can choose one that you like best and you think your kitten will enjoy the most. For example, you can get hideaways and hammocks, while others have little ladders for your kitten to climb. Being able to climb up high and along multiple levels of perches is sure to make your kitten feel amazing.

Safe Toys For Solo Play

Many kitten toys should only be used when you’re there to supervise play, as there may be small dangerous parts that can be swallowed, like string. However, there’re some kitten toys on the market that are specifically designed to keep your kitten occupied when you aren’t home.

Catnip-filled balls and stuffed animals are great toys to leave lying around the house for your kitten to find and pounce on. But puzzle toys are also useful as they will keep your kitten occupied for longer periods of time as they figure out how to get the treats locked within them. And toys that make sounds when touched or pushed are also good choices for keeping your kitten from getting bored when they’re home alone.

Tip: Consider swapping out different toys left out every day to keep things more interesting.

Clever Hiding Spots

Try making hiding places. You can use a draped blanket over a chair to change up their surroundings. Why not place a toy under a chair so your kitten can dive in and hunt down their prey. You might even try leaving a cardboard box out for your kitten to find and hide in. Maybe put some toys or a soft blanket inside so they can have their own little quiet space to play and relax while you aren’t home.

Cat Treat Hunt

Leaving a few treats strategically hidden around the house is another way to keep your kitten happy while they’re on their own. As they walk around, they’ll catch the scent of one of their favorite treats, finding it in a spot they didn’t expect it to be, which will be exciting and rewarding.

A Play Session Before You Head Out

Before leaving your kitten alone for extended periods of time, whether you’re off to a relative’s house for a day trip or you’re just heading to work, try spending a few minutes playing with your kitten to tire them out a bit. This may help prevent boredom later on, especially if they’re ready to settle down and take a long nap after their exciting play session.

Adopting Another Kitten

A kitten that has a fellow feline to play and nap with may be able to avoid boredom much more easily than a kitten who’s left completely alone. So, if you can open your home to another kitten, then consider adopting one.

With so many shelter kittens looking for their forever home, it’s easy to find one that’ll be the perfect match. And with another kitten to keep each other company, you might not need to worry as much about your kitten being stressed, bored or other negative behaviors that can come from being left alone.

Kittens Can Get Bored When Home Alone!

Whether you plan on being out of the house for a few hours for a social event, taking a few simple steps to ensure your furry friend will remain content and calm while you’re gone will be helpful. Once you’ve returned home, you can spend plenty of time snuggling and enjoying each other’s company again.

How Long Can You Leave A Kitten Alone?

Some adult cats enjoy being in solitude, however, young kittens tend to need lots of socialization and activity. While they’re in their busy kitten months, their little brains are working on forming strong bonds with their human owners and other house pets. Being left alone for long periods of time can cause them to feel lonely. And of course, kittens love nothing more than to get up to mischief!

Although every kitten is unique, there are some accepted guidelines for how long you should leave them on their own.

When Can I Start Leaving My Kitten Alone?

Cats are known for being considered more low-maintenance than dogs. After all, their bathroom is indoors, so they don’t need someone to take them out for a walk three times a day! But when they’re little, kittens will need more frequent attention than adult cats. Kittens need to be fed three times a day and need to have their water bowls refreshed daily, too.

In general, kittens between the ages of 8 weeks to 4 months need human interaction every 4 to 6 hours.

Some people will leave their kittens for longer, but in the early weeks, it’s especially important to have someone check in on them during the day. As your kitten gets bigger and more confident, you’ll find that they can stay alone longer. By the time kittens are around six months old, they can be left alone for a workday.

Can I Leave My Kitten Alone Overnight?

As kittens need attention at least every four to six hours, they cannot stay alone overnight. Other than needing someone to deal with their food, water, and litter box needs, kittens can get into too much mischief when left alone for too long. Just consider the trouble they could quickly cause when you’re in the same room as them! Plus, a sudden illness or injury can turn quite serious for tiny kittens.

If you’re going to be gone overnight, you should arrange for a friend or pet sitter to stay with your kitten. You could also have them stop every so often rather than sleeping in your home. Either way, your kitten will be a lot safer and happier with regular attention while you’re away.

A Kitten-Proof Room Can Help

Setting up a dedicated space for your kitten is a great way to keep your kitten busy and distracted while you’re out. Plus, let’s be honest: it will limit the amount of mess! Bathrooms and laundry rooms can make a great area for kittens as they’re relatively small and have easy-to-clean floors.

Here’s a quick list of how you can set up a kittens room:

  • Make sure all electric cords are put out of sight or taped
  • Remove any house plants
  • Remove or secure any breakable items
  • Make sure that the windows and doors close and latch completely

Making A Room Kitten Proof

Set up their litter box in one corner, food and water bowls in another part of the room, stock the room with stuff to keep your kitten busy while you’re away. A soft bed along with a safe scratching post or pad will help. “Play-alone” toys like fluffy balls, crinkle/crackle balls, and catnip mice should provide your kitten with fun, keeping them busy when you’re gone. You can also leave on a TV or radio at low volume.

Have A Kitten Sitter On Call

As mentioned above, it’s fine to leave your kitten alone for a few hours at a time, as long as they have everything they need. However, a young kitten really does need frequent attention, and it’s also smart to prepare for delays and emergencies. If something prevents you from making it home in time for your kitten’s next meal, having a trusted cat sitter or friend to call on can put everyone’s mind at ease.

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