How Much Coral Pro Salt Should Be Added Per Gallon?

The people behind the Coral Pro Salt have recommended that you mix ½ cup of the salt for every gallon of water. This works to about 140g per gallon of water, give or take.

For those who really want to take things to the next level, you’ll be looking to achieve a salinity level that’s around 30 PPT. This level seems to be the “sweet spot” for most types of coral, as well as anything else that really thrives in a saltwater tank environment.

Mixing Coral Pro Salt Per Gallon

While it’s possible to adjust the amount of Coral Pro Salt, you can add to each individual gallon of water that you want to add to your tank, especially if you’re trying to really dial in the environment for a specific type of coral, although it’s generally recommended to stick to the standardized ratio provided from the manufacturer.

The people behind Coral Pro Salt recommend that you add about ½ cup of their salt to every gallon of water you’re adding to your tank.

Although depending on the type of corals you’re keeping and on the rest of the life you keep in your tank, you may decide to a little bit more than that, or in some cases a little bit less.

If you’re new to the hobby, then it’s defiantly recommended to stick to the ½ cup to each gallon of water ratio, then later you can adjust as needed.

Is It Complicated To Use Coral Pro?

Using Coral Pro Salt is very simple and as straightforward as can be.

These buckets have enough salt to mix up at least 10 L of water. All you really need to do is add this sea salt combo to create perfect saltwater that your tank will thrive in.

Coral pro salt uses a mixed-up blend that balances out water levels almost immediately and provides a rock-solid base of nutrition for your fish and coral – seawater just absolutely brimming with calcium, magnesium, and tons of bicarbonates.

The benefit of using a brand like Coral Pro is that they have already combined all the different kinds of raw ingredients together. Coral Pro Salt comes “straight out of the box” and has been mixed with more than 70 individual chemical elements that have a huge impact on both the chemical stability of your seawater as well as the nutritional content that your corals need.

Benefits Of Using Coral Pro Salt

Not only are you going to be able to use Coral Pro salt to establish your saltwater set-up for your tank, but you’ll also be able to use this mixture to replenish your tank’s water when needed.

All the nutrients you need and all the resources that your tank requires come ready to go in each individual bucket.

Troubleshooting Tips When Using Coral Pro salt

The process of how to make saltwater from a reef salt mix can get a bit more complicated, especially if you’ve never done it before, or if you don’t have high-quality pure water coming from your tap. If there’s a lot of chlorine in your municipal water, then you may need to use a de-chlorinator to purify your tap water first, alternative you can use a RODI system to purify the water prior to use.