
Why Does My Border Collie Sit On Me?

Ever ask yourself, “Why does my border collie sit on me when there’s a comfy spot right next to me?” Is it just funny or could there be some motivation behind your collie sitting or lying on you? The truth is, there are some dogs that’ll just lay on you for fun, while other dogs could have a driving force that leads to this behavior. Here are 5 reasons why your border collie may sit on you rather than next to you. We’ve also included some tips for when to encourage, and when to discourage your dog from sitting on your lap.

Spreading Their Scent

It’s common to see your border collie sitting in “your spot” on the sofa, or even roll around all over your sofa as a way of spreading their scent, a way of them saying that you belong to them. When they don’t feel that rolling around on your spot is not enough, then this is when they would move to directly sitting on you. Most dog owners won’t think much of this activity at first, but it’s important to notice if this type of behavior is happening in a pattern. For example, if your border collie is doing it straight after another dog has just visited your home, or after they’ve been outside, then you may want to try and give your dog a little more attention. Giving your collie some more attention should help your dog feel more confident that they are all yours and therefore trying to prevent unwanted marking inside their home.

Asserting Dominance

If you’re encountering a new dog, you may want to ask yourself as to if the dog could be sitting on you just to assert their dominance. If you recently added a new dog to your household, then one of them may sit on you to assert that they’re the top dog in the house. Something else to take into consideration is, when you see a dog sitting on people, the dog will often feel higher, feeling more in control. If you notice your collie barking or growling at other pets when they’re sitting on your lap, then it may be a sign that your dog is feeling the need to assert their dominance. If the behavior becomes more frequent or aggressive, then some experts suggest that it may be time to talk to your veterinarian to discuss some ways to deal with the issue. However, in most cases for the majority of dogs, it’s usually a once-in-a-while occurrence, so there’s no need to be worried.

They Just Wanna Have Fun

It’s completely normal for both female and male dogs to sometimes sit on their owners, just for fun. This can usually be accompanied by some rolling around on your lap and even playful noises. This could be an opportunity for a little light wrestling and tumbling with your collie. So, go ahead and let them sit on your lap. You might as well have some fun moments together!

Cuddle Time

It’s common for dog owners to think to themselves, “I wish there was a dog sitting on me.” After a long day at work or a stressful event, many dog owners simply enjoy the comfort of having their dog on their lap or in their arms. Dogs and humans can spend some quality time bonding when they’re sharing space on the sofa. So rather than encouraging your dog to lie next to you or on the floor, embrace the cuddle experience and enjoy your time together.


Your border collie may sit on you for a variety of reasons, but one thing is for sure: having a dog anywhere near you makes every day better!

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