
Do Border Collies Get Lonely?

The short answer is yes, it is possible for your border collie to get lonely. You may have had some doubts if someone ever told you to take your collie out because they feel lonely.

It’s important to remember that dogs are social creatures, like us humans, and thrive in a community environment. They also thrive on love and companionship and need the company of not only people but other pets as well.

Have you noticed that your dog looks outside of the window all the time? It’s highly likely that they enjoy looking out the window at the birds and other dogs, and wants their company.

Don’t Let Your Dogs Wagging Tail Fool You

Your dog probably won’t show their feelings too well, so it’s not exactly easy to tell if they’re feeling lonely. The idea that your dog may be feeling alone may make some dog owners raise an eyebrow, but it can happen. You’ll want to know what signs to look for if you believe that your dog is lonely, and how best to them love and support.

6 Signs That Your Border Collie Is Lonely

How do you know when your Border collie needs more attention than they’ve been getting? Here are some common they could vent their frustrations.

  1. You may come home to a chewed slipper or wires. You could also be greeted by a dirty floor, or even find that your dog has left your sofa in a complete mess.
  2. Your collie may act anxious when being left alone for too long.
  3. Your border collie may start venting their frustration by barking excessively.
  4. Your collie may also start avoiding you when you call their name.
  5. Your dog could lose interest in the activities that they’ve enjoyed in the past, like long walks or having fun at the beach.
  6. Your border collie may begin to eat or drink less.

How To Help Your Border Collie Cope With Loneliness

If another family pet has recently passed away, then your dog might be craving more company. They could also be spending a lot of time on their own. How can you help your collie beat loneliness?

Does your dog have access to a low window?

First of all, letting and encouraging your dog to look out the window could be helpful to your dog, as dogs are highly visual. Dogs typically love to look out the window at other animals, so give them the chance to do it. It will also help them pass their day quickly.

Keeping your lonely collie occupied
Try taking steps to keep your border collie occupied. There’ are a lot of games out there that can keep their mind working.

Put on some music
YouTube can come in handy and put your favorite playlist on loop. Who knows maybe they’ll become your dog’s favorite, too. Put your playlist on before leaving your home.

Get your dog a companion
Your dog’s mood could improve if they have a new companion to play with. However, you should only get a new puppy because it benefits the puppy; don’t get a new dog out of guilt.

Start socializing your dog
Maybe It’s time to pause and reflect. Ask yourself if your dog has been getting out enough recently? Do you run? Then take them to dog runs. If you don’t have the time, then take them on daily walks.

If possible, go home during Your Lunch Break
This could be a good option if live near your workplace. By taking your lunch breaks at home when you can, your dog will appreciate your company.

Exercise with your dog
Have you ever considered taking your dog for a jog? They may start to look forward to the activity and eventually forget about the times when you have to go to work.

Have a chat with your vet
If your border collies situation doesn’t improve, then have a chat with your local vet. It’s possible that there’s a cognitive or behavioral issue that only an animal therapist could solve.

How Much Alone Time Is “Too Much”?

Although constant companionship isn’t necessary, a life spent that’s spent in isolation — for example, away in a basement, being cooped up in a kennel, or tied up outside all day long, isn’t a fulfilling life for dogs.

At a maximum, experts recommend dogs to spend no more than six to eight hours alone without at least a chance to relieve themselves.

If your collie will be alone for more than six to eight hours, then you need to try and break up those long periods. To break up long hours away from the family, experts recommend finding other ways for dog to socialize, such as:

  • Going to doggy daycare
  • Having a local dog walker come by
  • Getting a friend, neighbor, or loved one to drop by for a walk, feeding, or even just a quick conversation or some reading time.
  • Some dogs may prefer staying at home with a caretaker that they’re familiar with that can check in on them a few times per day, having a dog-sitter stay with them overnight, or staying over at a family friend or a dog care facility.

How Your dog Feels When You’re Away and Signs They’re Spending Too Much Time Alone

In short: Your border collie may feel that an important part of their life is missing.

If you think of your dog’s normal activities like a pie chart, then a large portion of the pie will be resting and sleeping. But as dogs are social creatures, a big part of the remaining hours of the day (the waking ones) may normally be focused on interactive activities with other animals or people.

What happens is if they don’t get the interaction they crave, they could turn to other things such as potentially destructive to compensate. Another clue that they aren’t getting enough socialization: They may act excessively enthusiastic and exuberant upon your return home.

In the long term, the consequences could be a dog that doesn’t know how to play or interact with humans appropriately, who could be more likely to be apprehensive or anxious around strangers.

They may even appear bored. Although this is a human characteristic — it may manifest itself in your dog if they aren’t particularly engaged in what’s going on around them.

You might not even notice the difference in your dog’s behavior over time, unless or until you give your dog the opportunity to have more social interaction, like going to doggy daycare or having a dog walker come by on days when you’re away from home for longer hours.