Home Small pets Can Rabbits Eat Salad Cress? Answered

Can Rabbits Eat Salad Cress? Answered

Choosing the right fresh vegetables to add to your rabbit’s diet is a great way to make sure that they’re getting the nutrition they need. While rabbits get most of their nutrients from lots of fresh hay, adding a daily supplement of fresh greens provides rabbits with the essential vitamins and minerals they need to be healthy.

Although most vegetables can help keep your rabbit healthy and happy, there are some vegetables that can be harmful to them. That’s why today, we’ll be answering “can rabbits eat salad cress?” by looking at the vegetable’s composition. By the end of this guide, you’ll know everything you need to know about how salad cress can affect your rabbit’s health.

In short, salad cress is a very healthy and bunny-friendly food. What’s more, is that most rabbits love the taste of these kinds of salads!

When rabbits are in the wild, they eat more than just fresh grass. They also have access to a diverse range of wild plants that are used to supplement their diet and keep themselves healthy.

However, when we keep rabbits in captivity, we automatically remove rabbits from their natural environment which as well means that the herbs that they would munch on if they were sick and needed to self-medicate would need to be provided by their owners as there are no other way for them to self-medicate in captivity.

Providing your rabbit with a variety of greens and herbs that they can eat to balance their own diet according to their natural instincts.

What Is Salad Cress

Salad cress dates back to the 1960s and was the original salad garnish – there was once a time when a buffet wasn’t complete without sprinkling some salad cress over the food to give aesthetic appeal. Salad cress has essential nutrients, including vitamin C and folic acid. Salad cress is a blend of English cress and salad rape, which gives its name.

It’s grown on a fully compostable pulp base and typically sold while it’s still living, and usually comes in a tall clear plastic punnet, which helps to protect the seedlings. As it’s still living when bought, salad cress maintains all its good nutrients, another reason it’s good for your rabbit.

What is in:

  • Fibre
  • Protein
  • Salt
  • Vitamin C
  • Folic acid

Does Salad Cress Have Any Health Benefits For Rabbits?

The bottom line is that rabbits can eat salad cress. It’s a safe vegetable and can be part of the leafy green mix that you normally feed your rabbit. Other than being nutritious, many rabbits enjoy the taste. However, it’s important to note not to overdo it as it could cause stomach problems.

Salad cress contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can be beneficial for a rabbit’s health. It’s also high in vitamin A, which helps to keep your rabbit’s retinas healthy.

Salad cress is also high in vitamin C, which is good for maintaining the immune system and for healing injuries.

How Should You Give Salad Cress To Your Rabbit?

An important thing to do before giving it to your rabbit is that you wash it well beforehand! After washing the salad cress make sure to take out any brown leaves. After you’ve done these two things, it’s ready to be given to your rabbit.


In summary yes, rabbits can eat salad cress!

Salad cress is high in vitamin C, which is important for a rabbit’s health. Salad cress also consists of vitamin A, beta-carotene, folic acid, and riboflavin, along with minerals like potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and iron.

Hopefully, you’ve found the information you were looking for and with this newfound knowledge, you can now feed your rabbit’s salad cress.

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