Home Small pets Can Guinea Pigs Eat Marshmallows? Here’s Why They Shouldn’t Eat Them

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Marshmallows? Here’s Why They Shouldn’t Eat Them

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Marshmallows?

The short answer is no! It isn’t recommended that you try to feed your guinea pig marshmallows at all because it contains far too much sugar that could make a guinea pig sick. There’s simply too much sugary content in marshmallows and zero nutritional value so therefore it’s best to fully avoid this food altogether.

Marshmallows are mostly made out of corn syrup, sugar and gelatin. All of the ingredients in marshmallows aren’t recommended to be fed to guinea pigs at all.

Now that I’ve given you the gist of the article, read on as I explain in more detail why guinea pigs shouldn’t be given marshmallows:

  • Guinea pigs will have a difficult time digesting the amount of sugar that’s in a marshmallow.
  • A risk that’s associated with feeding a guinea pig any amount of marshmallows is obesity.
  • Obesity in guinea pigs is also possible when fed large amounts of starchy food.
  • Guinea pigs that are fed large amounts of high-carb, low-fiber diets are a lot more susceptible to obesity.

Healthy Alternatives Treats

If you want to give your guinea pig marshmallows as a treat, here are healthier alternatives.

Here are some alternatives that you can give to your guinea pig one to two times per week as a treat:

  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Kiwi
  • Bananas
  • Papayas
  • Peaches
  • Cantaloupe
  • Oranges (in small quantities, as they are quite acidic)

What If Your Guinea Pig Ate A Marshmallow?

If you believe that your guinea pig has eaten some marshmallow then keep an eye on their behavior for any changes for a few days. Just make sure that your hamster is still getting their regular healthy diet.

If you do notice any changes in their behavior, then you should take them to a veterinarian.


A guinea pig eating a small amount of marshmallow shouldn’t be a concern as long as it was a one-off and they’re still eating their daily healthy diet, with no changes in their behavior.

If you’ve noticed a change in your guinea pig’s behavior then it’s best to get them checked out by a veterinarian.

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