
Some people enjoy some spice in our food, but what about dogs? There are many dog owners who think that their dog may enjoy some spice with their food. But do dogs even enjoy spice? And will it do them any harm?

Can dogs eat spicy food?

The short answer is no. Giving or sharing your spicy food with your dog can badly affect a dog’s health. Spicy foods can be toxic for dogs, causing a dog that has ingested spicy food to have serious stomach problems. Your dog can suffer from stomach pain, causing gas and diarrhea. Spicy foods can also cause your dog to drink a lot more water, resulting in them vomiting.

The myth

There’s a myth that dogs can eat everything that humans can, which is very wrong! Just because a dog is curious to try foods that their owners eat, doesn’t mean they should be given the same foods. Humans and dogs are similar in some ways, but it’s important to remember that a dog’s body is built differently and therefore has different nutrient requirements compared to humans. How a dog’s body reacts to some foods will differ from how a human’s body will react. For example, humans can benefit from a diet that consists of garlic and onions, whereas a dog’s red blood cells can be destroyed by even the smallest amount of garlic or onion.

Can a dog even taste spice?

Something to take into consideration is whether dogs can actually taste the spice. Dogs only have 1,700 taste buds, compared to humans that have around 9,000. Also, a dog’s taste buds aren’t anywhere near as sensitive to the taste buds of a human. Therefore, giving food that has spice (including powered forms) is a waste, as they won’t be able to appreciate the difference.

If you’re simply looking to add a little variety to your dog’s diet, then there are lots of options out there. Have you tried different flavors of the normal dog food brand that your dog eats?

Generally speaking, dogs are very content with eating the same dog food.


We like to treat our pet pooches like any other member of the family. However, it’s important to remember that their diet and general requirements are very different