Home Cats Can Cats Eat Turkey Necks? Yes, Although There Are Some Things To...

Can Cats Eat Turkey Necks? Yes, Although There Are Some Things To Know

Turkey necks offer many nutritional benefits to a cat’s diet. Not only high in protein, but they also contain calcium, phosphorous and other important minerals. Turkey’s necks are also rich in glucosamine and chondroitin, which both are known to support the joint health and mobility of cats. Turkey necks are also healthy, fully digestible chews that support cat gums and dental health.

Raw turkey bones are considered safe treats for cats. In contrast to cooked turkey bones, their texture is relatively soft and brittle. When a cat is chewing on a turkey neck, they will crush, rather than break, into pointy objects.

Benefits Of Turkey Necks For Cats

Nutritional Benefits
Raw turkey necks are safe for your cat to eat. They also offer many nutritional benefits to your cat’s diet, including:

  • High-quality protein
  • Glucosamine and chondroitin
  • Calcium, phosphorous, and other trace minerals

Joint and Mobility Benefits
There have been countless studies that have shown the powerful positive effects of the oral supplementation of glucosamine and chondroitin on joint health, arthritis and, consequently, the overall mobility for cats. In fact, if you have a cat that’s suffering from arthritis, there is a high likelihood that your veterinarian will recommend glucosamine and chondroitin to treat it.

If you prefer to give your cat natural sources of glucosamine and chondroitin rather than in pill form, then another good option would be to use turkey necks. The glucosamine and chondroitin that are found in the cartilage and connective tissue of a turkey neck are in a “bio-available” form. In short, this means that it’s already in the most digestible and ready-to-use natural form. It’s for this reason that it makes turkey necks are a natural remedy for arthritis in cats.

Mental And Overall Health Benefits
Turkey necks can be used to occupy a “busy” cat who finds too many undesirable things to do around the house. Turkey necks are fun for a cat to chew on, and a great alternative option that provides entertainment for a pet cat.

A cat that’s eating a larger turkey neck will often plant their front feet on the bone to fix it to the ground. This makes gnawing down on a turkey’s neck more of a physical exercise involving not only their jaw muscles but also its neck, legs, shoulders and back.

Last, turkey necks can be a great solution for adding variety to the so often monotone diet of a cat.

Where Can I Buy Turkey Necks For My Cat?

Raw turkey necks can be found in farmer’s markets, butcher shops, and in the meat department of grocery stores. If you’re not into raw feeding, then you can use dehydrated turkey necks instead. Dehydrated turkey necks can be bought online, or in a local well-assorted pet supply store.

When buying freeze-dried or dehydrated turkey necks for your cat, it’s strongly recommended to avoid getting these products that have been imported from China. Although they may be slightly cheaper than cat treats that have been made in the United States, various pet food recalls over the last few years indicate that not all Chinese manufacturers sufficiently implement effective quality control measures.


In short, yes, you can feed your cat raw turkey neck, but they must be raw!

Raw turkey necks are often fed to cats.

The turkey necks provide essential nutrients, can help to clean their teeth, and strengthen their jaws.

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