
As a dog owner, you care about the ingredients that go in your border collie’s food, and because of this, you’re always looking for healthy treats to share with your dog, from time to time. Better yet, you want something with minerals and vitamins, and better yet, something that’s always readily available at home. So, it’s normal for collie owners to ask ‘can border collies eat carrots?’. You know it’s been listed as an ingredient in some of the dog food you’ve purchased before, but can you give your dog carrots that are fresh from your fridge or garden?

Can Border Collies Eat Carrots?

The answer is yes! Not only can you give a few carrots to your dog as a treat, but they’re also a healthy choice if you’re looking for a snack for your hungry dog. These root vegetables come in many colors, like white, purple, yellow, red, and of course, the most common, orange. They’re easy to find in grocery stores and can be grown even in the cooler months of the year.

How Healthy Are Carrots For Dogs?

Carrots are a particularly excellent source of fiber, vitamin K1, beta carotene, potassium, and antioxidants. Carrots also contain biotin, vitamin B6 vitamin A, and they’re low in calories.

How To Feed Carrots To Your Dog

When it comes to feeding your collie carrots, any size or color of carrots is fine to give to your dog. Just make sure that you wash the carrots first to remove any potential pesticides or dirt.

Secondly, and probably more importantly, you’ll need to chop up the carrots before giving them to your border collie. The American Kennel Club says that while carrots are safe for your dog, it’s important to cut the whole carrots and even carrot sticks into small bite-size chunks before feeding them to your dog. Doing this should help to prevent your collie from choking. You can also cut carrots into rounds of small sticks or pieces that are around the size of your dog’s hard food. Determine what size is best for your own dog based on their size!

You can feed your dog carrots that are cooked or raw. There’s a benefit of giving your dog raw carrots as the additional chewing helps to support your collie’s dental health. If your border collie doesn’t enjoy eating raw carrots, then try offering them cooked, as they may prefer the softer texture. Just make sure that the carrots aren’t cooked with butter or spices and seasonings, as these could potentially make your dog sick. You could even consider putting some carrot sticks in your dog’s food if you’re looking to boost their vitamin, mineral and fiber intake.

While there are many perks to feeding your dog carrots as a healthy treat, it’s always best to talk to your local veterinarian before introducing any new food to their meal plan. They’ll be able to tell you just how often your collie should be snacking on this root vegetable and how many carrots your dog should eat in one sitting.

Are There Any Concerns With Feeding Carrots To Dogs?

There are some moderate concerns that you should keep in mind when feeding carrots to your border collie. You should always feed your collie carrots in moderation, just as you would with any other treats.

High in sugar

Carrots are tasty because they are full of natural sugar. However, even natural sugar can cause your dog to gain weight, tooth decay, and other health issues in excess, so try not to overdo it. What about carrot juice? As carrot juice contains so many carrots, you should avoid giving it to your dog, because it’s especially high in sugar.

Too much Vitamin A?

A dog that consumes too much Vitamin A could be at risk for Vitamin A toxicosis, which could lead to arthritis. In extreme circumstances, dogs could even have trouble eating or be unable to move their neck.


Whenever you feed your border collie a vegetable or fruit, you should always wash it thoroughly to try to get rid of pesticides. There’s a spray that’s used to help rid pesticides of fruit and vegetable as well. Just make sure that the ingredients in it are not toxic to dogs.

How Often Can Dogs Eat Carrots?

So, now that we know that carrots are safe for dogs to eat, how many can they be fed and how should you prepare them? As a general rule, feeding two to three baby carrots to nibble on daily is acceptable.

As with humans, the best advice on quantity is to always use moderation.
